Five Wednesdays in October meant five opportunities to serve those in need.

By Ted Scott, News Editor

SVdP News, November 25, 2012

Five Wednesdays in October meant five opportunities to serve those in need.

In October we averaged 564 families a week at the food bank.  Food valued at almost a quarter of a million dollars was distributed.

Clothing and household items worth more than $23,000 were distributed to almost 800 families.  We were also able to provide help with emergency transportation, utilities, and lodging.

Once again, none of this would be possible without the generous donations of St. Patrick parishioners, all our volunteers and friends in prayer, and the Grace and Gruidance of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

New volunteers are always welcome.  You can stop by and visit any Wednesday at the food bank at 115 Lewis Street in Pasco.