Plentiful Produce Project

By Maureen McGrath, MA

SVDP Pasco News, October 15, 2023

Plentiful Produce Project Goes LIVE Thanks to WE FEED WA

SVDP Food Bank has been selected as one of the latest WE FEED WA Grantees for its Plentiful Produce Project (PPP.) The goal is to shape a more effective, equitable approach to emergency food relief in Washington state. This grant was awarded in September 2023 to St. Vincent de Paul food Bank & Community Services.

Starting in October, SVDP will be able to provide even more fresh produce from Washington farms year-round to our neighbors in need. The produce will be delivered by LINC Foods and will be distributed every Wednesday between 11 and 4 pm. It will supplement the many donations and offerings that other partners have provided to combat hunger and food insecurity in our community for decades. The project provides funds that support Washington farmers while helping provide high quality nutrition to families and individuals struggling with food insecurity. It will also help ensure positive health outcomes as well as offer culturally relevant foods to our neighbors in need.

As always, any neighbors seeking food are welcome. If you are a first timer, just come to 215 S. 6th Street, Pasco, WA to register and between 11 and 4 every Wednesday, 51 weeks a year we provide a robust box of food weekly. (We are closed only for Christmas week.) SVDP is looking forward to sharing this fresh produce with you and working with the WSDA and WE FEED WA team as well as other Grantees in helping a hungry Washington access healthy food.

If interested in learning more, contact SVDP and ask for Sina or Kayla at 509.544.9315 or at You may also contact We Feed Wa for more information and resources at or the We Feed WA Team /