Raising Readers

By Maureen McGrath, MA


SVDP Pasco News, July 16, 2023

Raising Readers

The Reading Foundation partnered with St. Vincent de Paul to get books in the hands of children from low income families in Benton & Franklin Counties to boost literacy. At each of the five events,  parents are engaged and encouraged to ‘raise a reader.’ Tips and pointers are shared with parents by educator and literacy advocate Margarita Gonzales  along with a lot of encouragement, and children get to pick their own book which gets them even more interested in reading. About 300 books are given at each event which will come culminate July 27 with a raffle for bikes for participants. This is one way that in partnership that St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank & Community Services can help build a bridge out of poverty for families because we know that increasing literacy is linked to breaking the stranglehold of generational poverty.